


From The Blog

Control of ARB to Transition to KICA, Beginning in Mid-2024

After eight months of research and community input, KICA and the town’s ARB Relationship Review Work Group released their Phase 2 report, outlining a path forward for the Architectural Review Board, with recommendations and a vision for a quasi-independent architectural review board, administratively supported by KICA.

Coinciding with this release, master developer Kiawah Partners’ representative Jordan Phillips announced a willingness to transition the Architectural Review Board (ARB) control away from the developer to KICA at today’s town council meeting. “On the (topic of the) ARB: Kiawah Partners is committed to an orderly transition to KICA… We anticipate this being a phased transition, subject to certain milestones.” He went on to share that KICA already has one seat on the Architectural Review Board, and one will be added for a town representative.

Jordan continued, “In addition, the Designing with Nature guidelines will need to be adopted by KICA. We intend to work with KICA to revise those so that both parties are happy with them. They will get filed, and once that happens, which we anticipate will happen sometime in the second quarter (of 2024), the first phase of the ARB transition will start.”

To hear the full two-minute announcement, click here.

The details of an ARB transition are still to be determined, and the work group seeks input from community members on the content and recommendations of their Phase 2 report. Share feedback online or plan on attending a community forum in January 2024.

Work Group Background & Timeline

March 17: Work Group Established
June 14: Preliminary Phase 1 Report
June 20: Community Feedback Forum on Preliminary Phase 1 Report
July 13: Summary of Member Feedback to Preliminary Phase 1 Report
Aug. 2: Work Group Moves to Its Next Phase
Dec. 5: Phase 2 Report