We are the dedicated stewards of Kiawah Island.
Your Association at Work
The Kiawah Island Community Association (KICA) is made up of approximately 2,000 full-time resident members and 10,000 part-time resident members. The association is lead by the Board of Directors and a staff of over 100 execute the association's operations.
KICA owns and maintains the island's common property, including infrastructure (roads, bridges, leisure trails, drainage, boardwalks), land and ponds. The association operates the beachfront Sandcastle clubhouse, Kiawah's main gate and Vanderhorst gate, the Rhett's Bluff boat landing, the Cinder Creek Pavilion and dock and the Eagle Point kayak launch. KICA offers 24/7 security services, recreational activities, encroachment permitting, and more.
The association was established on Feb. 19, 1976.

KICA Board of Directors
Policy Governance by KICA Members
KICA's Board of Directors is the governing body of the association and represents the interests of all community members. The board steers major policy decisions, establishes and drives the association's mission and vision, and engages in community planning.
The board identifies the association's priorities in the Strategic Plan, which is reviewed and adapted annually.
KICA’s governing documents, including the rules and regulations, strategic plan and covenants, provide the basis for all actions taken by the association.
Rules and Regulations
KICA's Rules and Regulations identify the rules of the island and associated penalties in the case of a violation. Rules and regulations supplement the Town of Kiawah Island's ordinances.
Covenants and By-Laws
KICA's covenants play a large role in protecting Kiawah property values by laying out the responsibilities of the association and property owners. They define member class types, voting rights, what actions require a member vote, quorum requirements, assessments, functions of the association, common property rights, architectural controls and general provisions. KICA enforces covenant compliance through the Livability Department. KICA's by-laws outline the governing structure of the association. They explain how the board and committees should operate and how voting and elections should take place.
The General Covenants deal almost exclusively with architectural controls and the restrictions established to protect Kiawah’s natural resources. The General Covenants grant the developer, Kiawah Partners, the right to set many property-related restrictions. Kiawah Partners created the Architectural Review Board (ARB) to administer many of these rights and provide primary design overview.
Governance Policies
Policies, approved by the board of directors, have been put in place to outline important governance processes, guide the association’s future leaders, and facilitate transparency to the community regarding how and why certain actions are taken. All active policies are available below for review.
- Expenditure of Municipal Funds Behind the Gate - 1993
- Privacy Policy - 2007
- Electronic Voting - 2008
- Guidelines of Governance of KICA Operations - 2015
- Boardwalk Construction Policy - 2017
- Whistleblower Policy & Ethics Hotline - 2018
- KICA Conveyance Policy - 2019
- Conflict of Interest Policy - 2022
- Policies Related to the Board & COO - 2024
- Governance Procedures Manual - 2024
- Release of Legal Files - 2024
Finance Policies
View the association’s Finance policies on the Financials page.
Don’t see what you are looking for? Scroll down and use our contact form for any questions you have.
Contact Your Association
KICA exists to serve the community and we're here for you.
Contact us with your question or to report an issue. Please select which department you would like to contact. If you're not sure where to start, select Member Services.
Looking to join a community of innovative, service-oriented professionals? We're always welcoming exceptional individuals to our team.
Locations and Hours
Beachwalker Center
Administrative Offices and Meeting Space
23 Beachwalker Drive
Member Services
Monday – Friday: 9am – 4pm
Pass Office
Monday – Friday: 7am – 3:30pm
Monday – Friday: 7am – 3pm
Kiawah Cares
Monday – Friday: 9am – 4pm
Meeting Rooms
Bobcat Hall, Magnolia Room
Main Security Gate
Kiawah Island Parkway
For emergencies, dial 911.
If the gate is experiencing a main phone line outage, call 843-990-3394.
The Sandcastle
1 Shipwatch Rd.
7am – 8pm Daily
See kica.us/sandcastle for specific amenity hours.
Maintenance Facility
20 Kestrel Court
Monday – Friday: 7am – 3:30pm
Rhett’s Bluff Boat Launch
102 Rhett’s Bluff Rd.
Cinder Creek Pavilion and Paddlesports Launch/Storage
36 Blue Heron Pond Rd.
Eagle Point Boat Launch
222 Eagle Point Rd.