


From The Blog

Catch Up on Monday’s Board of Directors Meeting

KICA’s board of directors met on Monday, Nov. 7 (view the meeting video here). At this meeting, the board discussed several consequential community issues. The board took a divided vote on the chair position. You can find information and context on that vote from parties on both sides of the issue here.

Alex Fernandez gave the treasurer’s report. He highlighted KICA’s Quarterly Financial report available on the website. He reported that contributions to reserves (CTRs) have a positive variance. Currently, KICA has received approximately $2.9 million in CTRs in 2022; $2 million was budgeted for the year. Alex reminded members to tune in on Nov. 14 for a virtual community budget presentation.

COO Shannon White presented KICA’s quarterly Recruiting and Retention Update. Both show positive trends in 2022 over the 2021 rates.

The board welcomed Town of Kiawah Island wildlife biologist Jim Jordan to his first board meeting. Jim gave a presentation (watch here) on the island’s bobcat research, and an ongoing study in partnership with Clemson University. Jim reported some success from the town’s Bobcat Guardian program and noted that he believes the population has risen to 20 to 25 bobcats since the voluntary reduction in use of second generation anticoagulants.