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From The Blog

Your Pathway to Adventure on the Island

KICA’s common property leisure trails are your pathways to adventure on the island, spanning the length of the island. In the 2023 member survey, 96% of respondents reported using Kiawah’s leisure trails frequently or sometimes, making them one of KICA’s most popular amenities. This popularity means that sharing the trails is essential to the enjoyment of members and guests. 

Make sure you’re being a good neighbor by following these rules while you’re out on the trails. Use leisure trails (required where available) for biking, walking and running, and stop at all road intersections. Remember there are leisure trails the length of the island along Kiawah Island Parkway, Governor’s Drive and Ocean Course Drive.

If you’re not sure what the rules are, see below or find them in KICA’s Rules and Regulations. You may also see the Security Department bike patrol on the trails, helping to educate trail users about the rules.