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From The Blog

Traffic and Parking Rules for Working on Kiawah Island

Knowing the island’s traffic and parking rules mean you can work without unexpected interruptions or Security violations. The rules below make it easy to stay in compliance while you’re working on the island. 


Work vehicles and trailers can be parked at a job site during work hours, including on the shoulder or easement of the work property. Vehicles, trailers and equipment cannot be parked overnight without advanced approval by KICA’s Livability department. 

If you’re not able to park at your job site, daytime street parking is also permitted with the following exceptions: 

  • No street parking on roads with solid yellow lines or medians. (Example: Flyway, Governor’s Drive)
  • Parked vehicles should be on the same side of the street or staggered, not on both sides, which would block traffic.
  • All four wheels must be on the road, not on the grass.
  • Vehicles must not block a driveway or mailbox.
  • No parking in cul-de-sacs.
  • No parking within 25 feet (in both directions) of a beach access path.
  • Overnight street parking is not permitted.


Traffic Rules

  • Speed limit is 25 mph unless otherwise posted.
  • All South Carolina laws are enforced. Some of KICA’s traffic rules and restrictions on its private roads are more restrictive than the traffic laws of the State of South Carolina.
  • Private motorcycles and mopeds vehicles are not permitted on Kiawah’s roads and will not be permitted to pass through the Main Gate.

This list has been edited for length. View KICA’s Rules and Regulations for complete information. Find other commercial information, including contacts, at