


From The Blog

Periodic Delays Expected at the Main Gate in June

A KICA contractor will be on site next week through the end of June, completing irrigation and landscaping work at the main gate. Wednesday, June 8 and Thursday, June 9, the outside inbound lane (the member entry lane) will be closed between 5 p.m. and dark while demolition work is completed. These closures will be repeated in the outside outbound lane the week of June 13.

Through the end of June, the outside inbound and outbound lanes may experience periodic closures. Because planting will take place in the new median, as well as other high traffic areas, closures are needed to ensure the safety of these workers. Crews will direct traffic, and closures will be limited to reduce the impact on traffic.

The leisure trail along the inbound side of the Kiawah Island Parkway will be closed from the Beachwalker Drive intersection past the main gate for the duration of this work. Please obey all signage and do not enter this area during the work, as it may be unsafe. This work is anticipated to be complete, and the trail reopened, in time for the July 4th holiday.