
From The Blog
Coming Soon: Two Boardwalk Replacement Projects and Five New Boardwalk Shower Stations
KICA is always working to maintain our community’s assets, like trails, boardwalks and amenities. Projects are informed by our annual Reserve Study, which tracks the lifespan of infrastructure, and through member input, provided in surveys and reported issues. This quarter we will be seeing infrastructure updates on a few of our KICA-owned boardwalks.
In a 2022 survey, the community communicated interest in adding rinse stations to KICA’s most-used boardwalks. Last year, KICA made headway, adding showers at six boardwalks. The work continues in 2024. This quarter, showers are set to be added to five of our boardwalks. Boardwalks 29, 30, 31, 33, and 34 have all been approved for the addition of showers, and the installation is soon to follow. Rinse off your beach gear, your pets, or yourself before heading back home!
KICA will also be replacing two boardwalks: 14 (at Eugenia and Sea Lavender Court) and 16 (Mariners Watch). These boardwalks have been inundated by accreting sand, and are being redesigned to allow for better beach access on this newly-shapen terrain. Boardwalk 14 will be closed next week for construction. Work on boardwalk 16 is expected to begin before the end of February.
Following the completion of the first two projects, KICA contractors will move on to boardwalks 32 (the island’s most-used boardwalk) and 9 (Eugenia Ave.).
Wherever work is underway, please respect the construction sites, use detours, and remind your guests to do the same.
While KICA plans proactively for infrastructure maintenance, if you ever see an issue, let us know. The Member Services team is available at 843-768-9194 and there’s also a Report an Issue form in your member account (kica.us/login), which routes the issue directly to the appropriate contact.