


From The Blog

2024 Replacement Work Gets Underway at Boardwalk 14 Next Week

Each year, KICA works to update and improve its association-owned beach infrastructure. These boardwalks are some of the most-popular common property that KICA is responsible for and we know they make a huge difference to members’ enjoyment of the beach. 

This month, KICA will begin the full replacement of boardwalks 14 (at Eugenia and Sea Lavender Court) and 16 (Mariners Watch). Boardwalk 14 will be closed next week for this construction. Work on boardwalk 16 is expected to begin before the end of February. Following the completion of the first two projects, KICA contractors will move on to boardwalks 32 (the island’s most-used boardwalk) and 9.

If you have questions or concerns about these projects, contact KICA’s civil engineer Ryan Ellmers at [email protected].