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Low Carbon Footprint Gardening

Monday, Sep 23, 2019 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Join master gardener Linda Geronilla in an exploration of gardening with your carbon footprint in mind. Traditional gardening can be detrimental to the environment but there’s a better way. Each of the four classes highlights a different way you can improve your garden to be beneficial to you and the planet. Classes are complimentary. To attend, RSVP to [email protected].

Sept. 9 – Bring Nature Back to Your Yard’s Ecosystem Ecology
Learn the important interactions of the food chains and webs in your yard. Understand how different components of ecosystems work to maintain sustainability. Develop a total food web with a variety of fauna and flora to support each other.

Sept. 16 – Improving Soil with Fungi
Learn how to create good fungi with compost, wood chips and coconut fiber to grow healthy plants. Planting and harvesting techniques will be presented to maximize fungi growth.

Sept. 23 – Beneficial Plants: Let Mother Nature Reduce Bad Insects
Besides pollinators, make sure your yard also has a special group called beneficial insects. Learn to provide the right habitat and food for the beneficial insects so they will stay in your yard to destroy the destructive insects.

Sept. 30 – How Your Garden Can Reduce Climate Change
Garden and yard practices are responsible for 30% of greenhouse gas emissions. The Union of Concerned Scientists created five general guidelines which will be presented in detail so you will know how to implement them to reduce the carbon footprint in your yard.