


From The Blog

All About Birds – Resources from the SC Wildlife Federation

On Wednesday, Nov. 10, members met with Jay Keck of the SC Wildlife Federation at Bobcat Hall. The attendees learned all about the birds you might encounter in your garden or backyard. After the program, Jay kindly provided these resources for those who are interested in learning more about caterpillars (aka bird food), gardening for insects and native plants (Douglas Tallamy books), and of course, birds.


    • Peterson First Guide to Caterpillars by Amy Bartlett Wright(Roger Tory Peterson – editor)
    • Caterpillars of Eastern North America by David L. Wagner
    • (wonderful website)

Native plants and why they’re so important

Books by Douglas Tallamy: 

    • Bringing Nature Home
    • Nature’s Best Hope
    • The Nature of Oaks

Databases and Resources


    • The Warbler Guide by Tom Stephenson and Scott Whittle. A fantastic book to help with bird identification!!!
    • (one of the best websites to learn more about birds!)
    • Merlin Bird ID ( app )
    • is a fantastic site to learn. Go anywhere in the world and search which birds you may find there at any time of year. You also contribute to citizen science by recording and submitting your bird sightings wherever you may be.

Note from Jay: All About Birds and the Merlin Bird app have bird sounds to practice. I encourage you to do so if you want to see more beautiful birds!

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