


From The Blog

Long-Running Program Opera Lite Ends on a High Note

On Monday, Nov. 12, Dr. John Benzel hosted the final session of the much-loved Opera Lite program. This program entertained members and island visitors since2004. Along with seasoned opera enthusiasts, many were able to experience opera for the first time at one of the weekly sessions.

Opera Lite was one of the first programs offered at The Sandcastle and became a much-anticipated event in the spring and fall.

COO Jimmy Bailey expressed the feelings of many around the island when he wrote, “Your passion and enthusiasm expressed in your presentation of the operas inspired your audience with renewed appreciation for the musical interpretations you provided.

KICA joins with our members in saying thank you for your unselfish contribution of time and talent to the community’s cultural life. You leave a void that will be difficult to fill. We are sad to see you go, but your legacy will leave a lasting impression on the life of the Kiawah community.”