


From The Blog

State of the Art Tech Maintains a Safe Environment at The Sandcastle

The Sandcastle is a gathering place where community members can socialize, take a dip in the pool, get in a workout, or celebrate with family and neighbors. These activities mean it’s especially important to keep a clean and hygienic environment. The Sandcastle management team, in conjunction with KICA’s safety advisor, created a strong system of proactive measures, with state-of-the-art technology to ensure the safety of our members and guests.

The Sandcastle installed UV-C lights for a cleaner HVAC system. Studies have proven the use of UV-C light disrupts viruses, bacteria, mold, and allergens which prevents them from reproducing and effectively removing them from the air that passes through the HVAC system.

For added precautions, a cordless electrostatic sprayer is used throughout The Sandcastle. The disinfectant spray is electrically charged, allowing the appropriate sanitizers, mold preventatives, and disinfectants to reach around and evenly coat all types of surfaces, even the hard-to-reach nooks, creating a more complete clean.

The Sandcastle staff continues to diligently and frequently disinfect high traffic areas by hand. Please be reminded that cleanliness is a team effort and ask that members and guests continue to wipe down their gym equipment before and after each use.

For more info on the gym hours, fitness classes, pools and more member amenities, visit