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From The Blog

Updates on Island Construction

* Updated 4/20/23

Main Gate Pavers

The Oyster Rake leisure trail at the Main Gate is closed in preparation for the outbound brick paver replacement project. You can expect delays leaving the island during the estimated three weeks of construction.

The exterior lane is expected to be closed until Sunday, April 30, when construction will begin on the interior outbound lane. Members should expect delays exiting the island through May 14. While work is being scheduled to avoid the highest traffic times, the pavers must cure in place for seven days before they can be driven on.*

Maritime Walk Bridge 

Construction on the Maritime Walk Bridge will also begin on Wednesday, April 19 and it is contracted to be finished within 10 days. While this path is closed, there will be a marked detour from Green Dolphin Way, to Sanctuary Beach Drive, to the existing paths at Sanctuary Beach Drive and the tennis courts. View the detour path here

Allee of Oaks 

The trail widening project at Allee of Oaks will require sections of the trail to be closed at a time. There will be detours along Flyway Drive available noted with signage as the construction progresses. This project will begin April 17 and is estimated to be completed the week of  April 23.*

Marsh Island Walk Bridge 

Construction to rebuild the Marsh Island Walk Bridge continues. The redecking is complete, and the bridge will be open for use in the coming weeks.*

Summer Island Vehicular Bridge

Construction to replace timbers on the Summer Island Bridge continues and is currently ahead of schedule. This project is scheduled to be completed no later than June 30: however, the current pace indicates it may be completed early.

Main Gate to V-Gate Leisure Trail Project 

The project to place signage and a lane dividing line along the leisure trail from the main gate to the V-Gate has reached conceptual agreement for a pilot project. KICA is now working on drawings for submission for approval. KICA’s intent, after final approval, is to have this project completed prior to Memorial Day weekend.

Cinder Creek Kayak Launch*

The new kayak launch at Cinder Creek is being installed April 20, and will be ready for use April 21.