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From The Blog

KICA Launches Community Outreach Program

The late great American tennis player, Arthur Ashe once said, “From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life.” In that same spirit, KICA is proud to announce the launch of the Kiawah Cares community outreach program. Kiawah Cares is the result of months of planning involving board members, task force volunteers and communications staff.

A program plan outline is now being finalized, and contemplates a a variety of recommendations, activities and charitable initiatives for KICA and its members. The overall goal of Kiawah Cares is to demonstrate that Kiawans collectively are an integral part of the greater community and that through our active involvement and support with our neighbors on Johns and Wadmalaw islands, we are improving the overall quality of life on the Sea Islands.

Initiatives available through the Kiawah Cares program include opportunities for KICA members to get involved with local nonprofit organizations, churches, schools and farming communities. KICA and its members have the expertise and desire to make a difference – not just monetarily but by giving time, talent and tireless efforts to demonstrate a commitment to the local community.

As a collective group, KICA has a tremendous amount to offer to the local community – Kiawah Cares gives members the stage from which we can reach out and help our neighbors. The program’s most recent project was supporting the Carolina Dirt Fair, an event that put focus on the local farming and agriculture community, which recently took place at Johns Island’s Mullet Hall Equestrian Center. KICA’s members were instrumental in volunteer support such as serving at the Farm to Table Dinner, greeting guests at the information tent and cleaning up with the event’s green team.

Future recommendations and opportunities that may fall under the Kiawah Cares program could include establishing a scholarship fund for local high school students, setting up a community foundation, developing a speaker’s bureau and many other philanthropic initiatives. Look for additional details about Kiawah Cares opportunities in future issue of the Digest newsletter and on our website (

On July 19 the Kiawah Cares team will host a group of Johns Island second-fifth graders for a morning at the beach. The children participate in a summer camp sponsored by Our Lady of Mercy Outreach. Most of the children have never seen the ocean, despite living only minutes from it.

Following that event, an official Kiawah Cares launch party will be at the OLM facility on Johns Island. Media and community members will be invited to learn about the program, in conjunction with a welcome reception to introduce KICA’s new Chief Operating Officer  Jimmy Bailey to the community. Jimmy will also serve as the official spokesperson for the Kiawah Cares initiatives. Details on applying for KICA sponsorship will be posted to the website when finalized.