
From The Blog
Governors Drive Repaving Project
Beginning on Sunday, March 7, KICA and Banks Construction will repave Governors Drive, from the Vanderhorst (V) Gate intersection to the first intersection of Flyway Drive. In order to minimize traffic disruption on a main Kiawah roadway, this work will be performed overnight. Crews will begin staging at 6 p.m., with paving operations to start at 7 p.m. Work each day will be completed by 7 a.m. Paving work is planned to conclude on the morning of Friday, March 12. Banks Construction will put down temporary road striping (i.e. turn lanes) on the roadway, then permit the asphalt to set for at least seven days. During the week of March 14, Banks Construction will return to the island to put down the permanent thermoplastic striping for the roadway. The permanent striping work will be done during daytime hours. As with any paving work, this work is weather permitting.
During the five nights of paving work, members should expect traffic delays along Governors Drive. Banks Construction will have traffic control in place to assist drivers in navigating through the work area(s). Members who border this area of Governors Drive may experience some noise and light disturbance as crews work in the immediate area of their homes, but every effort will be taken to minimize these disturbances.
KICA’s project manager for this project is Ryan Ellmers, KICA Civil Engineer. If you have questions or concerns about the project, he may be reached at:
Ryan Ellmers
843-768-2315 office
843-425-9802 cell
[email protected]
We thank you for your patience as we work to repave this section of Governors Drive.