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Our World – Island Security Partnerships

Thursday, Oct 5, 2023 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

The Sandcastle, Kiawah Island SC

this session of our world

Mark Ruppel, KICA’s director of Security, will be on hand along with town and resort security leaders for a unique opportunity to learn about the newest programs for security and traffic on the island and ask questions.

Register to Attend


about our world

Established in 2008 under the auspices of the Kiawah Island Community Association (KICA), Our World is an educational outreach program for Kiawah property owners, which invites speakers with expert knowledge of local, national and global issues of significance. Committee members include KICA members who partner with Sandcastle staff to provide several programs each month on Thursdays from October through April.

Each program takes place at 3 p.m. at the Sandcastle. Due to unforeseen circumstances, programs may be cancelled or rescheduled. Contact the Sandcastle at [email protected] or 843-768-3875 with any questions.

The Sandcastle