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Herring Chamber Ensemble

Sunday, Feb 24, 2019 @ 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Ticket Release: Kiawah 2/5 Public 2/8

Experience the magnitude of the Herring Chamber Ensemble, Upstate South Carolina’s only professional vocal ensemble. The Herring Chamber Ensemble was founded by Bingham Vick, Jr., in the spring of 1997 as a professional vocal chamber ensemble. The members are distinguished musicians with extensive vocal and choral experience and are solo artists in opera, oratorio and recital.

Composed of twenty-four voices, the Chamber Ensemble performs as a core part of the Greenville Chorale throughout the regular concert season and presents an annual concert of its own. The varied repertoire of the Chamber Ensemble allows for significant educational and choral outreach performances. Dr. Vick has also served for thirty years as distinguished Conductor and Artistic Director of the Greenville Chorale founded in 1961.