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Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention: What a Stress Test May Not Be Telling You

Friday, Feb 21, 2020 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

This seminar will review root causes of heart attack and stroke which are not always addressed by standard labs, tests and medication so that participants have a basic knowledge to ask questions and advocate for themselves. Plaque inside the artery wall causes difficulty in predicting heart attacks.

Recent research sheds new light on the measurement of plaque and cardiovascular inflammation before obstruction occurs. Inflammation has the effect of dislodging plaque to make adults vulnerable to either heart attack or stroke. The CDC estimates that 90 percent of the population 60 or older has undiagnosed prediabetes which can lead to inflammation. Evidenced based standards for identifying and controlling insulin resistance will be discussed along with the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

RSVP to [email protected].

After graduating from MUSC, Dr. Ford Brewer ran the postgraduate program in prevention at Johns Hopkins, has over 25 publications in peer-reviewed medical journals and has run large medical staff teams in prevention, primary care, and telemedicine.  He has a Youtube Channel with over 62,000 followers, and works with patients nationally and internationally on early diagnosis of heart disease, diabetes, and cognitive decline using a personalized care approach.

Janice Derrickson has a Doctorate in health education and a Master’s in Public Health from Johns Hopkins in addition to a Doctorate in Physical Therapy.  Her further training as a Health Coach from Vanderbilt is a critical asset for working collaboratively with patients to create lasting lifestyle changes.