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From The Blog

Update Your Contact Info with BEC

This fall, Berkeley Electric Cooperative is working on some major upgrades to the island’s electric infrastructure. These updates, which span the majority of the island, will replace old infrastructure and the adding capacity in areas where growth has outpaced the current grid’s reliability.. 

Some of these updates have already been completed, but in the fall major projects will begin to get underway. The most visible will be from the intersection of Kiawah Island Parkway at Sora Rail to the intersection of Governor’s Dr. at Flyway Drive, where approximately five miles of infrastructure will be replaced. During the project, you will see the work along the roadside as boring and replacement is completed.  This line is the spine of island power; replacements and upgrades to infrastructure in this area is essential to ensure reliability in the coming years. The project timeline is still being determined but we’ll provide notice once we have a firm date from BEC.

While BEC will attempt to limit outages during these updates, there are likely to be times when that cannot be avoided. Planned outages will be communicated by BEC. Please make sure they have your updated contact information in order to ensure that you will be informed ahead of any outage in your area. To update your information, visit, log in to your Smart Hub app or call 1-800-327-9615.