From The Blog
Town-Hall Meeting Held on Proposed Dunes Guidelines
On October 18, 2005, Association members met in a town-hall style open meeting where they had the opportunity to comment on a draft guideline for the management of the Association’s dunes property.
This property generally extends the length of the island from the wet sand on the beach through the dunes to the ocean side of Association members’ property lines.
Several members shared their views, providing a thoughtful, congenial and interesting exchange of ideas. Member Dick Scofield presented a consensus recommendation of several oceanfront regimes.
Representing the Board of Directors at the meeting were President Faith Dodge, Vice President Richard Sula and Director John Wilson. Directors who could not be present were provided the verbatim comments on tape.
At the November 7 Association Board Meeting, the General Manager provided an overview of the October 18 meeting. Prior to the board meeting, the Directors had received the October 18 meeting notes, as well as the many letters and emails submitted by interested members who could not attend that meeting.
After consideration, board consensus was to continue the existing operating procedure for the pruning of dormant dune vegetation for this winter. Under this practice, dunes may be pruned with prior written approval of KICA and the ARB.
On November 7, the Board of Directors
voted to approve an ad hoc Dunes Management Group to review the draft Guidelines.
The charter for this ad hoc group and the members made up of several interested Association members and local professionals including an arborist were approved in Executive Session and are expected to be ratified at the December board meeting. After the group has recommended changes to the board, the General Manager would facilitate a future town-hall style open meeting created for receiving member comments about the draft. When the meeting date is announced, members who cannot attend the meeting would be encouraged to provide their comments in writing.
It is the board’s intent that the revised draft guideline would address two important issues:
1. Maintaining healthy vegetation in the dunes
2. Considering available ocean views for oceanfront members Further, the board wants to ensure that open communication on the proposed plan is provided the full membership. To voice your opinion to the ad hoc group with a copy going to the Directors, please contact Carrie McGregor at Carrie. [email protected], toll free at (866) 226-1770 or locally at 768-9194.
All comments previously submitted will also be provided to the group. To review the draft Guidelines in their present form, go to, click on “Library,” then click on “Dunes ManagementGuidelines.”