
From The Blog
The Board Places a Heavy Emphasis on Infrastructure Maintenance in 2021 Strategic Planning
The association commits to a high standard of infrastructure, facilities, and landscape maintenance in the strategic plan, and on Monday, May 3, interim COO Shannon White provided an update to the community and board on recent infrastructure initiatives. On March 26, KICA completed a large leisure trail improvement project, which resurfaced and widened a four-mile stretch of trail running parallel to the Kiawah Island Parkway, beginning at the main gate, and along Governor’s Drive, ending at Flyway Drive. KICA has also made significant progress on the set of infrastructure improvement projects designed to mitigate common flooding susceptibilities.
In 2020, KICA completed the largest project, adding a water outfall at an existing inlet to relieve the drainage system (Project 2), and within Project 6, the Trumpet Creeper inlet was dredged to remove decades of sediment for improved drainage. So far in 2021, a pipe cleanout and repair effort was completed within Project 6. Of the flood mitigation efforts to date, all have been completed on or under budget.
Flood mitigation projects will resume in the fall of 2021, after the PGA Championship and busy summer season, including increasing the drainage capacity at Sea Marsh Drive (Project 1), and raising a flood-prone section of the Kiawah Island Parkway at Green Dolphin Way (Project 3). The remaining projects, Projects 4, 5 and a portion of Project 6, will be completed in 2022.
The association invests $1 million annually in an on-going effort to maintain and repair all existing drainage infrastructure. In Kiawah’s early development, a portion of the pipes installed were metal, which corrodes in saltwater, so KICA initiated a replacement plan for these pipes, tackling a portion each year.
In late 2020, KICA’s engineering consultant provided a report on all 60 miles of KICA roads, evaluating the condition of each road and providing a rating: “excellent,” “good,” “fair” or “poor.” The board has reviewed the information provided by the consultant and has asked staff to seek proposals to bring all of KICA’s roads to “excellent” or “good” condition. After receiving proposals, the information will be forwarded to the Finance Committee, to consider feasibility, with a possible recommendation to the board for consideration.