
From The Blog
Surfsong Paving Affects Traffic Oct. 20 & 21
Asphalt milling and replacement work will take place on Surfsong Road from 92 Surfsong to Flyway Drive on Wednesday, Oct. 20 and Thursday, Oct. 21. During this time, one lane will be closed and members will likely experience traffic impacts. Flaggers will be onsite to direct traffic and members will have access to their properties at all times. KICA’s civil engineers will be managing this project to ensure a smooth process, and KICA’s director of Livability, Ed Monahan, will be onsite as well.
If you have visitors, contractors, or employees visiting your home during this time, please be aware that there is no on-street parking on Surfsong during this work. All vehicles must park in driveways or parking lots. The street will be cleared in advance of the work each day and vehicles parked streetside will be towed without advanced notification.