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From The Blog

St. John’s Fire District and KICA Security Upgrade Medical Response on Kiawah

The two most likely first responders in a medical emergency on Kiawah Island are the fire department and KICA Security. Both departments are enhancing training to provide a higher level of care, which could mean the difference between life and death. 

According to St. John’s Fire District Chief Ryan Kunitzer, eighty percent of incidents the district responds to have a medical component. That’s a big concern for Kiawah, which is relatively isolated from medical facilities, and is seeing an increase in visitors every year. “Every year is our busiest year,” the chief says, and Charleston County Emergency Medical Services is seeing similar increases. 

When there’s an emergency on Kiawah, responders don’t all arrive at once. Because of their locations on the island, STJFD and KICA Security may arrive first at the scene and need to provide stabilizing care to an injured person before police and EMTs arrive. 



Over the next few months, the fire department will pilot a new program offering advanced support. Currently, ninety percent of the fire district is licensed as emergency medical service providers, providing basic but essential support (techniques like taking vital signs, CPR, and/or the use of an AED). Later this year, they will be able to provide care such as advanced airway management, IV access, medication administration, and advanced cardiac life support. The district is also hiring paramedic specialists to assist with training, response and quality control on Kiawah. This plan will help improve both response times and patient outcomes.

Chief Kunitzer plans for this role to have a community-centered approach, allowing STJFD to connect patients with follow-up care and resources in addition to being a quick-response paramedic. “There may be changes in the home; for example, if someone has a fall, we can install a grab bar to prevent a future fall.”



As noted above, KICA’s Security team is also on hand in an emergency situation. Not only do members sometimes show up at the Security gates with injuries, but the team responds to every 911 call on the island, ensuring that KICA members have a personal advocate during an emergency. With real-time information from Charleston County Consolidated Dispatch through the Alastar Alert system, the department assists first responders. Going forward, they will be able to offer more support to members as well.

Following training in mid-September, the entire KICA Security Department will be equipped to provide first aid, CPR, use an AED, offer bleeding control, and take precautions against blood-borne pathogens. All Security vehicles are outfitted with AEDs. Director of Security Mark Ruppel, notes that using CPR or an AED within four minutes of a medical emergency can save a life. Members can feel more secure knowing that this assistance is just minutes away.



Mark is thrilled that Kiawah is the location of STJFD’s pilot program. “Especially during hurricane season, when access to the island can be cut off, it’s critical that STJFD will be here and able to provide that level of care on the island.”

In terms of measuring the success of the pilot program, Chief Kunitzer is looking at a single thing: “Was there a better patient outcome because we were able to provide this level of service?” If the answer is yes on Kiawah, STJFD may look to expand the program to other areas of its district. 

STJFD’s upgrade to medical services is supported by Town of Kiawah SATAX funding. Learn more about Fire Chief Ryan Kunitzer in this episode of TOKI Talks, the Town of Kiawah Island’s podcast.


Note: Beach Patrol also provides first response medical care on Kiawah Island’s beach and lifeguards receive ongoing training.