From The Blog
Say Thank You to Island Employees
Dear members,
As the chair of your KICA Board of Directors, I get to see parts of KICA’s inner workings that other property owners don’t. One aspect of the job that is always uplifting is the dedication of our KICA staff. There are the exceptional stories, especially in the aftermath of the storms we’ve experienced over my term, but mostly it’s the everyday things that make such a difference. Many of you can also recount an experience that exceeded your expectations – members tell me that the employees at The Sandcastle know them by name, along with the rest of their family. I know it brightens my day when I head to Beachwalker Center for a board meeting and I see the beautiful plantings maintained by our Land Department in front of the building. Despite being short-staffed in this
exceptionally difficult labor market, those plants always look great. Maybe you have your own story, where something small made a big difference to your experience.
Those details are part of what makes this island the place we all chose to invest our time and money. This year, the board of directors felt that we should offer members the opportunity to show their appreciation to staff members for the high level of service they provide, and all they do to make Kiawah the premier community we all love. Through Saturday, Aug. 31, members can make a contribution to the Employee Appreciation Fund (see below for ways to contribute). Funds will be distributed to 92 of KICA’s employees (not including seasonal employees, departments heads or the COO) in the first pay period in September.
In closing, I’d like to offer my thanks to the staff on behalf of the KICA Board of Directors for all they do on the island. Kiawah is a special place and we’re lucky to have this dedicated group of people looking after it.
Ben Cheatham
KICA Board Chair