
From The Blog
Main Leisure Trail is Getting a Centerline to Divide Lanes for Safer Flow
Our leisure trails see quite a bit of traffic – on foot and on two wheels. For a safer flow of trail traffic, our main leisure trail will be getting a lane divider in the coming weeks. Centerline striping will be added to the trail running parallel to the Kiawah Island Parkway from the Main Gate to the Vanderhorst Gate, and extend down the Governors Drive trail to the first intersection of Flyway Drive. The Flyway Drive trail, known as the Allee of Oaks, will also get a centerline. These trails are our widest trails at ten feet, and they can safely accommodate the two lanes.
Work is scheduled to begin the week of July 22 and will be executed in small sections to minimize the work area and limit trail closures. This project is weather-dependent and rain delays are possible. For your safety, obey all closures while this work is underway.
See more tips to stay safe on all of our island’s leisure trails below!