


From The Blog

Letter from the Chair

It is my hope that each of you and your families are well. I’m sure I’m not alone in saying I look forward to a return to normalcy in the coming months.

During these unprecedented times, the KICA staff has made every effort to put the health of our community as our top priority while maintaining normal island operations. The Sandcastle closed, beginning in March, to protect employees and members. KICA staff maintained all other functions and adapted to a modified work environment, with some working remotely and others shifting to manage new responsibilities. Our gates and pass office operations never paused, our island landscaping and maintenance did not suffer, and we even offered online fitness classes.

Although we anticipate reduced revenue this year from real estate transaction transfer fees, gate access fees, activity fees and investment income, we are still in a strong financial position and are taking steps to balance our budget. Expenditures will continue to be closely monitored throughout this year.

While the COVID-19 virus demands our near term attention, I do want to address a few other initiatives that remain important to our community.

KICA’s emphasis on water management is not going away. As of publication, the flood mitigation member vote is in its final days, and regardless of that outcome, the association will continue to operate in a leadership role and partner with other community entities to address the challenges posed by sea level rise.

The Nominating Committee was formed in 2013 to identify candidates for service on the KICA board. Although the Nominating Committee’s charter (including purpose and process) has been rewritten several times, community concerns remain about how the committee operates and recommends candidates.

Several KICA board and community members are in the process of reexamining all aspects of the committee and changes will be announced by the end of the summer.

The board plans to establish task forces to assist us in several areas, including technology, community outreach and human resources. The KICA staff and board will seek, and benefit from, our members’ expertise. It is also our goal that the task force participants will gain a better understanding and appreciation of KICA operations.

In addition, we will be reviewing current KICA governance policies and deciding whether additional policies should be established. All policy changes and additions will be shared with the community for input and added to our website to ensure there is complete transparency around these guidelines.

Please feel free to contact me at [email protected], your other board members at [email protected] or our KICA staff at [email protected] whenever you have questions regarding our community.