From The Blog
Leisure Trail Widening Project
Leisure Trail Widening
Parallel to the Kiawah Island Parkway & a Portion of Governors Drive
Project Timeline: Feb. 23 – March 31, 2021
Beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 23, the Kiawah Island Community Association (KICA) and Truluck Construction will undertake a significant upgrade to its main leisure trail along Kiawah Island Parkway and Governors Drive, up to the first intersection of Flyway Drive. KICA will be widening this trail from its current width of eight feet to 10 feet. As our most traveled section of trail, we believe widening the trail will enhance the member and guest experience. This is an ambitious project along four miles of KICA trail. In addition to widening the trail by two feet, this entire length of trail will be resurfaced, with side dressing to eliminate dramatic grade changes along the edges of the trail.
Work will begin on Tuesday, Feb. 23 and is scheduled to be completed by March 31. Truluck Construction will begin construction with widening the Governors Drive section of trail, starting at the Flyway Drive end moving towards the V-Gate. Initially, members will see concrete work beginning, where the trail intersects with roadways.
KICA’s civil engineers have designed the project to limit the number of trees which will be impacted within the entire project area. Members will also see an arborist working to remove the trees needed to widen the trail. This work will be taking place primarily along the Kiawah Island Parkway section of trail. To expedite the construction process, the arborist will begin work on the Kiawah Island Parkway section, while Truluck is working on Governors Drive.
As members and guests utilize the trails over the next five weeks, we ask you to exercise caution as you see work crews in the area. The construction project will be completed in sections and our contractors will make every effort to clearly mark areas that they are working in, as well as provide detour areas (where possible) for pedestrian traffic. We ask that members and guests not enter work zone areas and detour around these areas.
KICA’s project managers for this project are Will Connor, KICA Director of Major Repairs, and Ryan Ellmers, KICA Civil Engineer. If you have questions or concerns about the project, they may be reached at:
Will Connor
843-768-2315 office
843-224-5637 cell
[email protected]
Ryan Ellmers
843-768-2315 office
843-425-9802 cell
[email protected]
We will continue to keep you updated on this important infrastructure project via our regular weekly communications. Thank you for your patience as we work to complete this project.