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From The Blog

KICA’s Bike Patrol Enforces Electric Bicycle Violations and More

A year ago, KICA expanded Security patrol services to include bicycle patrol on trails, in addition to the island-wide patrol in KICA’s Security trucks. Security director Mark Ruppel explained that “We’ve been seeing safety issues on trails with speeding cyclists and groups of pedestrians who consume the full width of the path, which stem from a lack of knowledge of the island’s rules and trail etiquette. We’ve also seen an increase in prohibited electric and motorized vehicles on trails like e-bikes, hoverboards, and electric scooters. Our bike patrol officers are out during the day to inform our members and guests about the rules, and enforce violations.” While the officers are authorized to give tickets for covenant violations, the primary objective is to educate leisure trail users. KICA’s patrol team started with one certified bike officer last summer, and now three of the five patrol officers are bicycle-certified.  

Want an even smoother ride? Learning the rules of the island’s leisure trails is the best way to ensure an uninterrupted spin. Violations can lead to fines – $25 or a warning at the first violation, $50 for the second, $100 for the third, and $200 for subsequent violations. 


  • E-bikes and other motorized vehicles (skateboards, scooters, etc.) are not permitted on Kiawah Island or its leisure trails.
  • Keep to the right when approaching oncoming traffic and keep speed low enough to prevent accidents. Racing is not permitted.
  • Observe all stop signs and obey all SC laws.
  • Utilize reflectors and a light on bicycles after dark. Reflective or light-colored clothing after dark is recommended. 
  • If you are passing a pedestrian on a leisure trail, voice your approach (or ring a bicycle bell) and pass on the left.
  • Golf cart paths are owned by the resort or club and are for the use of golfers only. 
  • On boardwalks, walk with your bicycle. Do not ride.