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From The Blog

KICA Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19 (July 17)

Dear Member,

We regret to inform you that a Kiawah Island Community Association security employee who last worked on July 17 has tested positive for COVID-19. This employee followed precautionary procedures at work, wearing the required face mask and using hand sanitizer. This employee was asymptomatic, and was tested for COVID-19 as part of routine testing ordered by his doctor on Thursday, July 16. On Friday, July 17, the employee received the positive COVID-19 test result. The employee was immediately sent home. The employee worked July 11-13 and July 17, as a gate officer. The employee last worked patrol on July 12, but had no direct contact with people, while on patrol. KICA has continued to follow its protocol on contract tracing, cleaning, and other preventive measures.

Based on CDC guidelines, KICA’s contact tracing procedure identifies any person who the employee came in contact with in the previous two days for fifteen minutes or more. This employee did not come in contact with any member or island guest for this duration, and coworkers have been notified.

This notification is a reminder that the virus is present on Kiawah, and that association services may be impacted as we face the increasing challenge of maintaining staff.

We ask that everyone in the community remain vigilant about social distancing and wearing the town-mandated face coverings. These actions have proven to be the most effective defenses against the virus.


Shannon White
KICA Director of Operations