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From The Blog

KICA Board Requests Community Input on Conveyance Policy

The Kiawah Island Community Association (KICA) Board of Directors is considering the adoption of a new policy relative to the manner in which new common property or other maintenance responsibilities are accepted from a developer (usually Kiawah Partners, but this policy applies to any developer or entity).

Review the policy to be considered here.

KICA has not accepted any additional responsibility since the end of 2015, as explained in the “Facts and Rationale” section of the linked document. It has not done so because it believes a policy is needed to ensure a consistent process is followed when these decisions are made.

KICA’s policy development process has several steps, including a community input period prior to the board taking any action. This item is scheduled to be on the board’s March 4 agenda, so we appreciate any written input byFriday, March 1. Please send your comments to [email protected] so they can be considered in advance of the March meeting.