
From The Blog
KICA Board Election Results
The association welcomes Jerry McGee and Brad McIlvain to the board of directors.
Official Election Results
JERRY McGEE: 20.47%
TOM BAKER: 18.16%
WRITE-IN: 0.39%
ABSTAIN: 20.87%
62.5% of the community participated in the 2020 Election. The quorum requirement was met on the final day of the election, when the vote exceeded 51% participation. Jerry McGee and Brad McIlvain were elected to fill the two board seats. The newly elected directors will officially begin their three-year term on March 13, 2020 at the association’s annual meeting. Next week Jerry and Brad will prepare for their service by participating in an orientation and board planning session.
KICA would like to thank all three candidates for offering their service to this special community.
“Board chair Ben Cheatham and director Cathy Pumphrey will fulfill their service term on March 13, 2020. Ben has led the board as chairman since 2018 and oversaw the successful renovation of The Sandcastle. Cathy served as the 2018 Nominating Committee chair and has been truly committed to hearing each community member’s perspective. Ben and Cathy have been invaluable contributors to the community and board. On behalf of the community, we thank Ben and Cathy for their outstanding and selfless service.” – Jimmy Bailey, Chief Operating Officer