From The Blog
Help the Board Determine Community Priorities for 2021
As the Kiawah Island Community Association Board of Directors prepares for its annual retreat in March, the Community Outreach Task Force would like to hear from members on issues which concern them and areas on which the board hopes to focus in 2021.
In order to keep the meetings manageable in a Zoom setting, three meetings are scheduled in February.
Thursday, Feb. 11 at 1 p.m.: members owning property before the second gate – REGISTER
Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 1 p.m.: members beyond the second gate – REGISTER
Thursday, Feb. 18 at 1 p.m.: members who cannot make the prior meetings – REGISTER
Among the issues the board will be looking at in 2021 is the establishment of an amenities task force/committee, investing in island infrastructure including roads, making a decision on heating the family pool, and reviewing and perhaps making changes to landscaping standards.
By the time these meetings occur, we will be able to report on the status of the leisure trail replacement and expansion from the first gate to the first Flyway Drive intersection. We also should have a clear picture of the 2020 financials. Please sign up for the meetings and we look forward to hearing from you!