
From The Blog
February Digest – A look at LSVs and more
Low speed vehicles (LSVs) have been a frequent topic of conversation since they started appearing on the island a few years ago. Under KICA regulations, LSVs, which look similar to golf carts but are licensed for road use by the SC Department of Motor Vehicles, were permitted on the island’s roads. In 2018, with increased rental LSV usage on the island, members expressed their frustrations to the KICA Board of Directors, including concerns about operators not following traffic laws and traffic backups on the parkway in the wake of an LSV. Read the full article on low speed vehicles in February’s Digest.
This issue also takes a look at the KICA Finance Committee and KICA’s refreshed branding. Check out the event calendar for community events, such as Conservation Matters, and a look at the Our World series.