
From The Blog
Board Outreach and Education Committee Releases its Report on KICA’s 2022 Election
The Board Outreach and Education Committee (BOEC) is a standing KICA committee that encourages members to serve on the KICA board. The committee hosts Board Service Info Sessions and helps to guide board candidates through the election process.
Following each election, the committee also conducts a review to make recommendations to the board of directors. At the Monday, May 2 meeting, committee chair and board secretary Brad McIlvain presented the report and recommendations to the board.
Key recommendations of the committee included:
- Zoom forums were found to be helpful to members to connect with candidates. In the coming election, KICA will add this for each candidate, with staff support and publication on the association’s communications channels.
- Update the BOEC charter to reflect that committee members, not just the committee as a whole, will remain neutral through the election, not publicly supporting any specific candidate. The board will review these updates at its June meeting.
- Update the Fair Campaign Pledge which all candidates sign to make clear that each candidate has an obligation to make sure that his/her materials and materials from his/her supporters are fair and uphold the goals of the community.
- The KICA board should not release any information during the election period that could impact the election unless there are exigent circumstances that justified its release during the election period.
View the BOEC’s full election report here.