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From The Blog

Attend the Sandcastle Book Club Virtually

The Sandcastle Book Club has been meeting via Zoom since last April and you’re invited! Meetings are now the second Monday of the month at 1 p.m. Despite the pandemic, the meetings usually have a lively group of attendees.

At the upcoming May 12 meeting, Stephanie Auge will lead the discussion of The Dutch House. After the discussion, members will suggest books for next year. Suggestions will be compiled into a list and then members will vote for the top nine.

The book club has also been experimenting with some different formats. On March 29 and March 30, the club sponsored a special review of the book Caste. Because a large number of people signed up, each session was limited to 12 people with a different group. Attendees expressed interest in reviewing a similar book in the future.

If you are interested in joining the club, please e-mail Peg Michel ([email protected] ) or Frances Boyd ([email protected]) to be added to the mailing list.