


From The Blog

Nominating Committee Makes Board Candidate Recommendations

“85% of KICA property owners are not full-time residents. The Nominating Committee’s recommendations are crucial for people who haven’t had the chance to meet the candidates or aren’t clear on what issues the community will be facing in the next few years.” – Nominating Committee Chair Sue Schaffer

The Nominating Committee is an advisory committee to the KICA Board of Directors. The committee is comprised of members of the community, staff and board members. The committee has two objectives: to identify and recruit candidates to serve on KICA’s board or committees, and to interview and recommend candidates.

KICA received five applications for board service by the Oct. 4 deadline. Brad McIlvain chose not to participate in the Nominating Committee review and two applicants withdrew for this year, including previously announced Philip Mancusi-Ungaro.

The Nominating Committee members highly recommend

Tom Baker and Jerry McGee

for the two board seats.

According to their applications and interviews, the two recommended candidates offer demographic diversity, as well as different skills and professional expertise from each other and from returning directors. One is a recently retired top-level executive at a large advertising agency who has strong technology and communications skills and one is still working as head of a high-end hotel and resort company and of a company that manages planned residential communities. One grew up on Kiawah and one has been coming to Kiawah for nearly 20 years and has owned a home here for more than 10. Both currently have homes in regimes (no returning board members are regime residents) and are part-time residents who live nearby in Beaufort and Charleston.


Sue Schaffer, Amy Jenkins, Steve Ronaldo, Thomas Roberts, Gaye Stathis, Eric Robinson

Learn more about the Nominating Committee.