From The Blog
2020 Mosquito Treatment Starts in June
Annually in spring, KICA’s Lakes Management team conducts mosquito larvicide across the island’s ponds. The treatment helps immensely by reducing Kiawah’s mosquito population before it matures.
However, it’s difficult to completely eliminate mosquitos in coastal South Carolina. April through October, the Lakes Management department conducts mosquito counts in each of the island zones and sprays those zones that need it. Spraying is generally done early in the morning, from 4-6 a.m. with a truck-mounted sprayer. If aerial spraying is needed, the team may also enlist Charleston County to fly over a larger area.
This week, the team will begin spraying for 2020 on Thursday, June 4. View spraying information and mosquito zones throughout the year. Check back each week to see which zones will be sprayed in advance.