
From The Blog
A Quick Look at 2020 Association Highlights
In spite of the intense demands of COVID-19, which forced radical shifts in island operations, the association made some significant strides this year. New task forces were announced at the March Annual Meeting, which resulted in open conversations between the board and community members, a review of staff leaders’ compensation, a successful implementation of the Salesforce technology platform, revised board recruitment and candidacy processes, and more.
Members voted in May to approve major flood mitigation efforts. Two of the most significant aspects of this six-project initiative are now complete. One-third of the island’s roads were rejuvenated, the multi-year pond vegetation pruning project continued in order to improve pond health and protect drainage infrastructure, and common property landscape improvements have begun for the PGA Championship. Two new member portals launched this year to give members the ability to self-manage their member account and gate access for guests. Thanks to prudent stewardship by your board, staff and Finance Committee, the association is forecast to end the year under budget.