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Our World: TOKI Mayor John Labriola and Councilman Michael Heidingsfelder

Thursday, Apr 27, 2023 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

The Sandcastle, Kiawah Island SC

On April 27th, Kiawah’s OUR WORLD Lecture Series will offer a unique opportunity to get to know in more detail two of our elected Councilmen of the Town of Kiawah Island, Mayor John Labriola and Councilman Michael Heidingsfelder.

The format will be interactive as both will interview each other, talk about their background, the reasons why they serve the community and most importantly about the key projects these men are working on for the future of the island. Topics like the new Marsh Management Plan, the to-be-updated Comprehensive Plan for Kiawah’s future and the revamped Go Green Initiative will certainly be among the topics of the conversation.

The audience can ask questions or voice concerns and recommendations at any time about these topics or other island-related things on their mind. It will be a hopefully lively conversation not only between John and Michael, but with the entire audience in the room.

Register to attend here.

The Sandcastle