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Our World: The American College of Building Arts

Thursday, Nov 7, 2019 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

On November 7, the OUR WORLD Lecture Series will feature Charleston’s own The American College of Building Arts, one of the most unusual and fascinating educational institutions in the world.

Located on the downtown peninsula, it is the only fully accredited 4-year college program in the United States that offers degrees in historical craft and building skills.

Originally founded as a training program to help recapture the skills needed to repair the historical buildings, gardens and artifacts damaged by Hurricane Hugo, the college today is a nationally recognized center for elite artisans and craftsmen, often featured on national television and in international documentaries.

Students and graduates are in high demand, recently helping repair the US Capitol dome’s ironwork, restoring the stonework on England’s Lincoln Cathedral and rebuilding the garden folly at Germany’s Hundisburg Castle.

Our guests will be:
College President Lt. General Colby M. Broadwater III, and
Professor Christina Butler, of the Department of Historic Preservation

In addition to sharing the story of this unusual education effort, they will bring along some examples of the amazing crafts nurtured at the college.