



Cancelled – Kiawah Women’s Group – “Chew and Chat”

Thursday, Mar 26, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Bring a sandwich and join us for an informal conversation over lunch on a topic of interest to KWG members!

There is no cost and it is open to members, friends, spouses and guests. Joining us for this Chew and Chat will be Sara Youngner, Kiawah Island Golf Resort Assistant to Roger Warren, and Governor’s Club Director. Also joining us, Kate Kinderwater, Manager of Golf Operations for the Kiawah Island Resort. Their topic will be PGA Volunteer responsibilities and what the experience will be like for those attending the 2021 PGA Championship in May 2021.

Please RSVP to Diane Flaherty at [email protected] if you can attend.