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A Walk in the Garden

Monday, Oct 16, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Night Heron Park, Kiawah Island SC

Join the Kiawah Conservancy and help kick off South Carolina Native Plant Week by taking a walk in the Naturally Kiawah Demonstration Garden in Night Heron Park.

On this tour of the garden, Sean Cannon, the Kiawah Conservancy’s Restoration and Enhancement Specialist, will share insightful information about native plants that grow well on Kiawah. Sean will also be joined by Karen Madoff who is a Kiawah resident, Master Gardener, Naturalist, and Master Rain Gardener. Their knowledge and expertise will be sure to inspire you to restore nature in your own landscape.

To register and learn more about this event and other Native Plant Week events, follow this link:

Night Heron Park